All systems are operational

Past Incidents

17th July 2023

No incidents reported

16th July 2023

No incidents reported

15th July 2023

Unplanned Incident - Sydney outage

Latest update:

Much like last night we saw the same routing daemon crash and restart. Vendor still looking at last nights crash logs and has not given us any advice. We will schedule an emergancy upgrade and reboot overnight with our without vendor response to attempt to prevent this happening again.


[2023-07-15 15:59:03 NZST] Lightwire Engineers are investigating a potential issue affecting Lightwire services. We don't have much detail just yet sorry, but senior engineers are looking into it with urgency and we will provide more information as soon as possible.

14th July 2023

Unplanned Incident - Sydney

Latest update:

One of our Sydney routers encountered a software bug and the routing daemon restarted. This lead to an approximately 5 minutes of disruption.

Engineers are still investigation the root cause and continuing to monitor the router.


[2023-07-14 22:12:13 NZST] Lightwire Engineers are investigating a potential issue affecting Lightwire services. We don't have much detail just yet sorry, but senior engineers are looking into it with urgency and we will provide more information as soon as possible.

13th July 2023

No incidents reported

12th July 2023

Unplanned Incident

Lightwire Engineers are investigating a potential issue affecting Lightwire services. We don't have much detail just yet sorry, but senior engineers are looking into it with urgency and we will provide more information as soon as possible.

Risk Warning - Power Outage - Tokoroa Repeater

Latest update:

Although mains power remains off at our repeater site this, our battery backup is exceeding calculated expectations. As such, we expect the site to remain online throughout today and potentially even into tonight should mains remain offline.

Lightwire is working with the appropriate parties to restore mains power as quickly as possible.

Please reach out at or 0800 12 13 14 with any queries.


[2023-07-12 10:40:11 NZST] Lightwire engineers are aware of a mains power outage at our Tokoroa repeater site, unfortunately due to factors outside of Lightwire's control. While our site has battery backup, there is a chance you may experience a service outage late tonight or tomorrow morning should mains not be restored beforehand.

Lightwire is working with the appropriate parties to restore mains power as quickly as possible.

Please reach out at or 0800 12 13 14 with any queries.

11th July 2023

No incidents reported