All systems are operational

Past Incidents

10th July 2023

No incidents reported

9th July 2023

No incidents reported

8th July 2023

No incidents reported

7th July 2023

Notification of Unplanned Carrier Outage

Latest update:

The Upstream Provider resolved this outage as of 10/07/23 with site works over the weekend. If your connection remains offline, please do not hesitate to contact our support number on 0800 534 567.


[2023-07-07 18:33:14 NZST] An upstream provider has identified a fault which they're currently working to restore. No ETR is available at this time.

If your connection remains offline after this outage has resolved, please reboot all on-site equipment. If your connection remains offline after this step, please do not hesitate to contact our support number on 0800 534 567.

Risk Warning - Mains Power Outage - Mill Road

Lightwire has been informed of an outage to mains power supplying our Mill Road Repeater site. While our site has backup battery power, there is a chance that in the event of an extended outage, or factors outside of Lightwire's control, you may lose your connection.

6th July 2023

No incidents reported

5th July 2023

No incidents reported

4th July 2023

No incidents reported