10th March 2022

Service Degradation - Rotoorangi

Latest update:

Our upstream fribre provider has concluded their maintenance and full fibre capacity has been restored to our transmission site. We will continue to monitor for service stability for a period of time tonight and resolve this notification once we have confirmed there will be no further fibre disruptions.


[2022-03-10 15:40:26 NZDT] Lightwire has been informed that fibre maintenance work being performed by our upstream fibre provider has extended past the expected scheduled time-frame. This directly affects our Rotoorangi transmission site and due to the loss of fibre capacity you may experience speed degradation during peak hours while our upstream fibre provider concludes their works.

We apologize for the inconvenience and will provide any updates as they become available

Please reach out to us at support@lightwire.co.nz or 0800 12 13 14 with any queries